Covering up my shitty old story2018.10.18
I’m writing this so that the last one won’t be the latest “me”!
I’m doing good. Kind of busy, good busy.
Busy with work(good), thinking about moving, money, trip, my book and so on.
My interests are hopping aound and feel like I will have done nothing before I leave for the US : (
Roomwise: I’ll move only when I found a place that feels RIGHT.
Moneywize: I won’t just keep it. I’ll be a little investor who utilize my money for someone who is doing great, who is doing what I’ll never be able to do, like, helping people or building a better social system or things like that. Hope it pays me back someday in some form.
I think I’ll write more in the US!
A scene from Minori-ichi. What a blessed festival by blessed people.