

First month of 20192019.01.28

I’ve been thinking about writing something, but can’t still spare time for it.

Although we sometimes feel we’ve done nothing, we should think back well. Yes, we did many things. そうなのだ。できてないことに目がいきがちですが、あれもこれも、結構色々しているのですよ!It’s not so good to take much time for thinking back, though. Just sometimes, to get some energy to move forward.

What I’ve learned/been reminded recently is that we don’t have to be afraid of running out of something. It is a good thing to cherish or use things carefully, but some people have told me that energy is limitless. Even though it’s still a vague concept, I get that. When we’re afraid of losing something, we hesitate to give it. 有限で、なくなってしまうことを不安に感じてしまうと人に与えられない、だから「自分にはたくさんないから」って気持ちは持たなくていいようにできたらいいのかー。いい考えやなー!と思いました。
Also, it’s good to remember that life is all about resonating each other.
Let’s not be afraid of losing or being hurt, and resonate with open-minded heart. と自分に唱える。でもこれは別に自分が我慢したりしたくないことをしたり犠牲になることとは全然違う。

Soon after I decided to visit Florence this year, the girl who I met in Exeter and put me up when I visited Aosta followed me on Instagram. She’s now in Bologna.  We might be able to meet again.

We suppose to meet people when it’s necessary, and things happen when it’s meant to be.
There’s no proof or reason to tell other than what has happened in my life.

Good to feel fresh2019.01.02

It’s been about a month since I started to live in this house. 今年はこの家やここを拠点にした暮らしや仕事を整えつつ、レッスンや翻訳に引き続きしっかり注力するのをベースに。

災害など自分ではどうしようもないことにせよ、引越しや旅などにせよ、昨年も年始には考えていなかったこともあったので、今年もそういう「unexpecting events」とも上手く付き合いながらいけたらなと思います。


