

about a book -12018.08.17

As I wrote yesterday, whether you (or I) can speak English or not is not a matter to me. 言い方はあれですが、actually I don’t give a shit about that.(こうしてね、日々聞いてる言葉を自分の感情と合わせると楽しいね。下品なのでほんとに喋るときは I don’t care 使うけど、ほんとにこれぐらいの強い思いはある)

確かに、I was like, quote-unquote, “a good student”, but it was because it was fun for me to work on questions or reading or writing assigned by teachers. それが結果「真面目に勉強」してたことになってんだね。。

Well, as I’ve been thinking about how I can guide people who want to “study” English, one of the answers would be a “book”. Not like an ordinary textbook or how to book, rather like a book that you can get closer to English before you notice it. Thinking about this idea makes me very much excited. I think it’s possible, but I will need some help.