Thoughts on “working”2020.02.29
There’s something I noticed recently.
I want people to thank me or being thankful for what I did. More specifically, I want people to know what I’m doing is not that easy.
I’ve been working on a project for free, and sometimes I got sad or mad for the person who asked me to help. The reason was it felt like the person doesn’t feel grateful for what I’m doing for him/her; the way the person treated me was like as if he/she thinks I can translate or interpret as I breathe. NO, I CAN’T.
Sometimes I feel like people think using English is difficult for them but easy for me. NO, IT’S NOT. …Yea, maybe a little bit easier for me than for them. But why do you think is that? Because I’ve been working on it so long. And it still needs way more energy than using Japanese, you know.
It is in part my fault because I always say “I’m just doing what I can do”, which is completely true. And I think it is one of the happiest ways to live. But through that unpaid job, I realized I need at least trust for the person and respect for my work. How much the project is attractive to me or how I like the person also counts. All those things and money are balancing. I don’t turn down any project that doesn’t pay me real money, but I need to know that I can’t do a sloppy job for unpaid work or prioritize paid work.
In this case, I told the person how I felt bad for and hurt by his/her behavior and he/she apologized, so that’s that. Actually, I’m glad that I found out about what I think about working.
ところで先日妹と映画「ミッドサマー」を観ました。目を覆いたくなるシーンもある(いや、多い)けど、変すぎてポカーンとしてしまった。スウェーデンの白夜祭は色や音楽が鮮やかで美しかったり、どんどん「祭りやー!」みたいな感じで、乾いた笑いが出そうな顔だったんじゃないかと思います。心が「何じゃこりゃー」と言っていた。アーティスト寄りなのか、何なのか、going through a bad breakup の時に脚本書いてたらしいけど、それをあれに昇華する監督アリ・アスターとは。