

A Future Plan2018.08.27

I think I got a plan for the near future.

I’d like to find a place to live in Nara (hopefully around Takabatake area, close to nature, not too far from the city, with 2 bedrooms), renovate it into a nice place where people are happy to visit (of course into a place for me to be VERY happy to live).

I’ll continue going out for having lessons, but I’d like to invite people to have it, too. It would be great if I could have a gathering for learning through more relaxed way, such as “Finding your favorite expressions” or “Soak in the sound of English (even if you don’t understand)”.

I’ll have a car as it will be more difficult to go anywhere without it.

I’ll keep one of the bedrooms for guests, maybe offer it for people who want to stay there and earn out of it.

It might be my project or identify myself. I see myself as someone who is somewhere among learning English (or anything), translating, art and life (cannot be one of them). And this project will need help of people around me who have more knowledge, sense and skill.



What I found out yesterday2018.08.19

きのうは、昼から敦子さん・浩伺さんと初めて林さんの勤めるincurveのギャラリーへ、その後久しぶりに「月と六ペンス」へ。帰り道、「京都 やまほん」を見つけたので寄って帰りました。








にしおさんから「八月の水 5」そろそろ出来上がりのご連絡。締め切りに間に合わさねばと推敲がやや甘かったので自分の文章に不安ありですが… そして意味深な予言までもらう日曜日の午後。


about a book -12018.08.17

As I wrote yesterday, whether you (or I) can speak English or not is not a matter to me. 言い方はあれですが、actually I don’t give a shit about that.(こうしてね、日々聞いてる言葉を自分の感情と合わせると楽しいね。下品なのでほんとに喋るときは I don’t care 使うけど、ほんとにこれぐらいの強い思いはある)

確かに、I was like, quote-unquote, “a good student”, but it was because it was fun for me to work on questions or reading or writing assigned by teachers. それが結果「真面目に勉強」してたことになってんだね。。

Well, as I’ve been thinking about how I can guide people who want to “study” English, one of the answers would be a “book”. Not like an ordinary textbook or how to book, rather like a book that you can get closer to English before you notice it. Thinking about this idea makes me very much excited. I think it’s possible, but I will need some help.


I’m writing my diary on a daily basis, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have anything else to do. I’m trying to write this.

I feel like I stuck in a boring way of teaching English. I feel my students are somehow enjoying during the lesson, but I also feel that they’re frustrating with their slow progress… maybe. And I think I’m not providing any convincing way. Not good. How can I make them exposed to English without making much effort or without making them feel they’re making effort? I believe everyone who has been taking my lesson constantly is making some progress, tho.

Or maybe I should stop calling my lesson “English conversation lesson”? No, I WANT to stop calling it that. It’s not a goal, it’s just a consequence of what you’ve done. I just want them to enjoy time with English or finding something through my lesson.

Also, what’s nagging me is the thought that I’m still counting on the income other than translation and ESS. But about this matter, I’m using my language skill for the work, so maybe that’s fine…

what makes you pleasant2018.08.15


買おうかな、買いたいな…という本に幾つか出会えたのもよかった。1軒目で試し読みした本を2軒目で買う(買うために2軒目に行った、というのが正しい)、という妙な感じになったのは、その本を知ったのがその2軒目の本屋さん(blackbird books)だから。だいぶ前にイベントで伺ってから、結局一度も行けていなかったけどいつも横目でチラチラ見ていたので、行く理由を作りたかったというのもひとつ。






W女史を見送り、そのまま2時間ほど集中して翻訳。梅田で用事を済ませ、前から気になっていたギャラリーALNLMへ。Follow your instinct大正解。紙事・綾さん、詩人・月森文さんから、先日からの問いへの答えのヒントと、繰り返すことや地道に続けることへエールをもらう。見えること・見えないこと、ペースはそれぞれでもやっぱり続けることが大事、とまたもや確認しました。やはりコップから溢れるようなところはあるのだな。それをどう、サポートするかな。


昨日は昨日とて、午前中は仕事、午後から高田に戻って父親と会う。ダイナー好きの原風景のひとつであろう、FUJIEDA COFFEE HOUSEをリクエストして連れてってもらう。禅的な考えへの傾倒は父親からだと思ったので聞いてみたけど、特にそういう本とか読んでたわけではなかった… 彼も彼とて、生きる中で先人たちの言葉から腑に落ちたものをpass onしてくれていたということ。


Rounding up July & Autumn trip(s)2018.08.08

You know, what is surprising is how our feeling can be swept away with time.

7月はあれから長野・木崎湖でのAlps Book Camp、月いち母娘meet up、森本先生の教室「人はなぜ表現するのか」、星ヶ丘メンバーとのごはん、高校の友達とのごはん、act座談会③ギャラリー編、そしてactメンバーのトークなどなど、もりもりしていてひとつひとつ気づきや考えや得たものがあったのに、もうすでに自分の肥やしになってそれだけを取り出すのが困難だ。

But one thing I clearly remember is, even though I (want to) think the whole world as one, I found myself very happy when some people or some places I know connect each other and find that they can do what they’ve wanted to do together.
Other than that, I can’t deny I’m proud of my hometown, or more broadly, Nara. Living in Osaka fits my lifestyle, but sometime I want to say I’m from Nara (and I live there). Because I feel that place has some kind of potential or attitude we need for the future.

After finishing the exhibition as “_act_”, as I talked with Atsuko-San, there’s “act-San” in everyone’s mind. 浩伺さんとTacoちゃんをサポートする、というチームとして始まった(と思ってる)けど、関わる人それぞれの「希望」が託されているように思います。As I mentioned before, I think I’m not particularly obsessed with admiring or devoting for the “art world”, but I’m attracted to things where there are hope for everyone. I’ve been thinking about why I’m interested in art, and the answer to that so far is art can speak to deep in our soul, give some time away from our life, and give a new demention to our life. Of course not every art does that, and it does not make our lives easier in systematic ways, but it eases our mind in many ways.
But anyways, it seems we’re at a turning point. I believe that which way we take, it’ll be fine.


さて、秋のアメリカ行きもやっと決まりました(決めました)。秋〜冬の入り口は旅が少しずつありそうな。今年は11/8~12/3。Thanksgiving と Christmasの雰囲気をほんのり感じて来れたらな〜と思います。今年の +α はBerkeley。あとはまた翻訳とオンラインレッスンしつつ、immerse できたら。アメリカにめちゃくちゃこだわるわけではなくて、会いたい人がいるからというのが第一の理由かな。来年は違う国かな〜とぼんやり考えていますが。東南アジアあたりにも普通に旅行でちょっと行きたい。
