Sort things out2018.09.23
I’m not in the mood of going out for an exhibition. Especially not the one I go just because I know the artist. Now I feel that I have to use my time and energy for my work, English and ordering things in my apartment.
What motivates people when it comes to learning languages? For many people, it gets harder to take time for “study” after they start working unless they have a goal like taking exam. Even for me, I can’t keep doing the same thing every day, except for watching dramas or videos. I want to say it’s okay to be lazy. At least you do something related to English EVERY DAY (which I think is the most important thing). Then you’ll see you’ve come to be able to do more in a year, 5 years or 10 years. And I’m happy to help you keep doing it, or make it a bit easier or more fun to do it.
Just so you know how much I love “anmitsu”.