Mind your own business2020.05.09
In the era of social media, it’s quite easy to underestimate myself. It feels like everyone’s doing something by themselves or together and I don’t. Not always, but it does feel like that. I think it is a good thing to realize that you feel so, and you need to get back to yourself when that’s happening.
Now I’m watching a documentary film of Michelle Obama, and it feels like she is someone in a different world, but the truth is, she is just one of those hard-working people. Above all, what I think great about her is that she knows the underestimation starts from oneself and it is important to have your own back by yourself.
あと、”The half of it” というNetfilx映画。ちょっとネタバレですが、LGBTQと人種がテーマのティーンものか。。と思いつつ見始めて、出だしで 「the other halfを見つけてwholeになる」みたいな引用で「そっち行くんやったらやだな」と思ってたら、愛の色んなかたちや、人生は be yourself であることを見せてくれて良かったです。すごく賢いのに英語がネックで、その上妻も失って行き詰まってしまったEllieのお父さんも、悲しいけどそういうこともあるだろうし、描かれていて良かったと思います。PaulはWill Poulter君のがっしり版みたいやね。先生役のBecky Ann Bakerも出てるといつもいい味。Paulのお母さん役のCatherine Curtinも何か好きやな〜。
I sometimes still feel like I need to find “the other half” and I’ll be failed if I can’t find one, which I think I’m stuck in an old habit of thinking, but I want to see and show there are millions of different ways to live.