

A Future Plan2018.08.27

I think I got a plan for the near future.

I’d like to find a place to live in Nara (hopefully around Takabatake area, close to nature, not too far from the city, with 2 bedrooms), renovate it into a nice place where people are happy to visit (of course into a place for me to be VERY happy to live).

I’ll continue going out for having lessons, but I’d like to invite people to have it, too. It would be great if I could have a gathering for learning through more relaxed way, such as “Finding your favorite expressions” or “Soak in the sound of English (even if you don’t understand)”.

I’ll have a car as it will be more difficult to go anywhere without it.

I’ll keep one of the bedrooms for guests, maybe offer it for people who want to stay there and earn out of it.

It might be my project or identify myself. I see myself as someone who is somewhere among learning English (or anything), translating, art and life (cannot be one of them). And this project will need help of people around me who have more knowledge, sense and skill.

